Should Homeowners Opt to Partially or Fully Replace the Siding of their Homes?
Many clients approach Elite Construction & Remodel with exterior damage to their homes. The question they often ask is: will I need to fully replace the siding of my home? The answer to this question varies from home to home.

When should I get a partial replacement?
Most of our clients have siding issues that do not need full replacement. One of the biggest benefits to partial replacement is that it will save customers thousands of dollars. Clients can avoid full replacement when damage is on one or two sides of the home. Our field representative will provide an estimate after an on-site consultation with the clients needs and budget in mind.
Damage to a single board or panel can occur because of debris during a storm or impact from foreign objects, warping caused by product defects, and cracks (Feist). Unfortunately, Elite comes across many clients who have damaged siding because of previous improper installation techniques from other contractors. The Elite Team has over 10 years of experience and prides itself on its quality repairs. If opting with partial replacement, consider Elite Construction & Remodel if you want it done right the first time.
When should I get a full replacement?
If damage to siding occurs on the entire wall or large section, full replacement would be the best option. According to the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, damage may be in the form of rot or mildew spreading across the entire wall of siding. The Elite Team can saw out the damaged sections and carefully replace them with new materials. However, it may be more beneficial to replace the entire section, especially if the current siding has already shown signs of aging. In fact, it would be more time effective to replace full sheets rather than cutting pieces to fit. It is important to note that when mixing old and new siding it could result in a clash of color because of the old siding’s exposure to elements. Many customers want to avoid this as it affects the curb appeal of their home. Additionally, the manufacturer may have discontinued your home’s siding if it’s been years since your initial siding installation.
Contact Us For an Estimate
If you opt for either partial or full replacement of siding for your home, you can trust Elite Construction & Remodel with your repairs. Contact us for an estimate at (916) 469-4660.
Feist, W.C.; Oviatt, A.E. 1983. Wood siding : installing, finishing, maintaining. Home and garden bulletin 203. Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service. 23 pages.
Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes. 2020. Lead Paint Safety. A Field Guide for Interim Controls in Painting and Home Maintenance. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 80 pages.